From a FullCircle Parent

I was referred to this program by a family member. Not one that’s gone through the program themselves, but just word of mouth.

I was desperate, but didn’t feel like I was completely helpless (yet.) I felt relieved bringing my son to FullCircle.

Night one, he was overwhelmed but he wanted to come back. I was shocked. The video (The Group Doc.) was right… They could get him to come back. But how??

We continued bringing my son, although immediately, it was a commitment in itself for us parents.

5 days a week, and they expected him to be able to sleep over with random kids and stay out past legal curfew…

We started digging into the book, and I couldn’t get past the fun felonies.

Anytime I questioned anything in the book, I just needed to trust the program, and continue coming to the parent meetings, connecting with parents and even told to find a parent sponsor.

Within the 4th or 5th week, we were informed that my son needed to start giving back to the program, what they gave to him… So he would be expected to give hugs to everyone and say “I love you.”

To complete strangers? That’s inappropriate.

But again, anytime I questioned anything, I wasn’t trusting the Program or being a winner for my son.

I was told by a Director that my son now vapes. But because he wants to be honest with me over it, I can not punish him.

He informed us lots of people in The Group buy the vapes for the minors…

I was sending him here to learn good behaviors and to not be dependent on anything.

All they want to do is fear monger these parents into believing that the Program is their savior, and in no way will I allow it.

It’s been 4 days since I notified the Director my son will not be coming back… he is now being harassed by kids in the Group to come back, daily.

I drug tested my kid religiously. He was clean since entering the Program, and they were still very pushy about him going to Pathway after his 90 days.

It’s dollar signs. FullCircle is just a recruitment for Pathway.

Know the signs, and stay away! Do your research and trust your own gut.

If a 23 year old kid with no degree, or clue, is refusing to accept “no” and “goodbye” it’s a big enough red flag.

Stay away!!!

- The FullCircle Program Parent Survivor. 2021


A Personal Account of the Program’s Approach to Sex and Sexual Orientation


The Only Way.